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Your Social Security, Medicare, and SSI Benefits eBook
About the eBook
This eBook uses the state of the art writing techniques to provide a clear and concise guide to the Social Security programs for both you and professionals who must deal with these programs. In addition to plain language text, this book provides hyperlinks to Social Security Administration's online Programs Operations Manual where you can find more detail about the topic you are researching. Because you are making a substantial investment in Social Security, you should have a basic understanding of what you are paying for. The reason for writing this book is to introduce you to what you need to know about your Social Security programs. This book covers the basic benefit categories, eligibility requirements, the application process, and common post-entitlement issues for the:
Title 2 - Retirement, Survivors, and Disability benefits
Title 18 - Medicare program, and
Title 16 - SSI Programs
Here is an outline of what this book covers.
Values and strategic goals
Organizational Structure
Service to the public
Freedom of Information Act
Privacy Act
RSDI Benefits – T2
Enumeration - SSN
Insured Status Requirements
Retirement, Survivors and Disability Insurance (RSDI); eligibility requirements, basic computations, appeals
Medicare Benefits - T18
Parts A, B, C, and D
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Benefits - T16
Eligibility requirements, basic computations, appeals
State Administered Programs
Work Incentives for the Blind and Disabled
About the Author
Christopher A. Miccio has worked for Social Security in various capacities for over 40 years. He has held numerous positions in the Agency such as:
Claims Representative
Operations Analyst
Quality Assurance Specialist
Senior Systems Analyst/Programmer
Section Chief
Project Manager
Project Officer
In 1999, after retiring from the Social Security Administration (SSA), Chris formed Business Information Management Solutions, Inc. (BIMS, Inc.). BIMS, Inc. provides a variety of consultative and training services to government and corporate clients. Chris continues to provide training to the Social Security Administration in the areas of IT basics, mainframe languages, structure-writing techniques, and the Social Security programs.
Information presented in this book comes from Social Security Administration. You can find hypertext references to the source materials throughout this book. The references are title POMS References. The hypertext links provide you with access to the source material and the ability to delve deeper into a subject.
Adult Education
Author:Christopher Miccio
Currency:USD - U.S. Dollars
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