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  • ISBN: 9781513654577

  • Front image:

    Reproducible Miracle





  • Description:

    This book presents 19 based codings that I tested and witnessed in a book fully written 1387 years ago (632) than the publication date (2019) of this book. Most of the codings could only be practically realized by the invention of computers. You will not only witness some of the amazing examples of the 19 based codings but also have the ability to easily test them yourself by running the codes I will provide along with each coding example. It means all the evidences presented in this book are easily reproducible. You can analyze the codes for sanity check and even modify them to try your own different hypothesis on the text of the book under consideration. The book states that it is the word of God, sent by God to all humanity as the final and ultimate message and will also be always protected by God and thus must be unchanged. This book is Quran, the book of Islam religion that has around 1.8 billion adherents that makes up about 24% of the world population. I will demonstrate many reproducible evidences based on the codings of its text over number 19, which could only be realized and tested practically by the invention of computers.

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    Gökmen Altay

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