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  • ISBN: 9781666410082

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    9781666410082Buy on Amazon

    The Badger Chronicles Secrets of the Emerald Forest





  • Description:

    "The Badgers of Bunger Hill" are children's book that follows the adventures of a family of badgers living on a small hill in Sussex. The family consists of Hunny, the mum; Boris, the dad; their children, Ton, Maleka, Makeba, and Thembi; and their extended family and friends living nearby. The Badger Chronicles: Secrets of the Emerald Forest continues the enchanting saga of Bunger Hill, picking up seamlessly from where the first book left off in the "Badgers of Bunger Hill" series. This sequel invites readers back into a world brimming with magic, mystery, and adventure. The title, "Badgers of Bunger Hill: Secrets of the Enchanted Forest," sparks immediate curiosity by hinting at undiscovered mysteries within the forest, promising a captivating journey of exploration and discovery. The word "Enchanted" suggests a setting where the extraordinary is commonplace, perfect for older children and young adults drawn to fantastical tales. The imagery of an enchanted forest evokes a lush, vibrant backdrop rich in life and supernatural elements, almost making the setting a character in its own right. Forests have long been symbols of adventure and mystery, offering universal appeal and a timeless sense of intrigue. Returning to the familiar yet evolving world of Bunger Hill, this new installment assures readers of a comforting continuity while introducing fresh, exciting narratives and deeper secrets to unravel. Overall, "Badgers of Bunger Hill: Secrets of the Enchanted Forest" captures the essence of a magical journey filled with rich descriptions, universal themes, and the thrill of new adventures, making it a compelling choice for fans of fantasy and adventure. The badgers face numerous challenges, including a hidden oasis, ancient ruins, and enchanted forests, as they journey deeper into the unknown. They find strength in their bond as a family and their courage to face the dangers ahead. Ultimately, they uncover the truth about the excavation machine and its threat to their woodland home, leading them to take action to safeguard their environment. "The Badgers of Bunger Hill" is a tale of adventure, family, and the importance of protecting nature, filled with engaging characters and thrilling discoveries that captivate young readers.

  • Subject:

    Fiction: Children


    Martin Newbold, Martin Newbold

  • Copyright Year:





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